Thursday, November 11 / 12:00 PM - 1:45 PM Concerto B (Third Level)

Session 35
STS Lessons for Policy Impact

Chair: Zachary Griffen, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Diana Graizbord, University of Georgia

1. Is “Democratic Enough” Good Enough? Crises, Expertise, and the Radical Democratic SensibilityGianpaolo Baoicchi, New York University (NYU); Ankit Bhardwaj, NYU.

2. Data-Driven Democracy: Political Engagement Platforms, Expertise and Social MovementsJoshua Eisenstat, NYU.

3. The Evolving Logic of White Flight in Contemporary School Desegregation ReformFithawee Tzeggai, University of Kansas.

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 Other sessions on Education, Knowledge and Science