Saturday, November 13 / 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM Assembly A (Fifth Level)

Session 212
Global Money, Finance, and Neoliberalism

Chair: Mark Cohen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Discussant: Mark Cohen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1. The Spirit of Manila: The Origins and Development of IMF Structural Adjustment Programs, 1968-85Paul Kershaw, Wayne State University.

2. The Asset Basis of Structural Power: Finance Capitalism, Democracy and the DollarMichael McCarthy, Marquette University.

3. Articulating American Capitalism: Money, Uneven Development, and the Making of a MacroeconomyMikael Omstedt, University of British Columbia.

4. Selling Interdependence: From Collective Management to Neo-liberalismOri Tamir, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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