Saturday, November 13 / 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM Concerto A (Third Level)

Session 174
Worklife Balance for Females in Preindustrial Societies Facing Crisis

Chair: Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, EHESS
Discussant: Mary Louise P Nagata, EHESS/CRH

1. Learning about a Woman Queen in Africa: Njinga (1583-1663) as an Ecological Human Rights Defender and a SisterFazila Derya Agis, University of the People.

2. Female Occupations and Conditions in Transylvania at the Start of the 20th CenturyLuminita Dumanescu, Babes-Bolyai University; Ioan Bolovan, Romanian Academy and Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

3. The Impact of the Number of Offspring and Their Sex on Female Longevity in Historical Poland. The Evidence from the City of PoznanGrazyna Liczbinska, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan.

4. Abolition of “Kitchen Slavery”: Women's Employment in a Large Ural City on the Eve of Industrialization (1920s)Lyudmila Mazur, Ural Federal University; Oleg Gorbachev, Ural Federal University.

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 Other sessions on Family Demography