A FAIR Approach to Harmonized Data. The Norwegian Historical Population Register

Bjørn-Richard Pedersen, The Norwegian Historical Data Centre
Trygve Andersen, The Norwegian Historical Data Centre
Hilde Leikny Sommerseth, The Norwegian Historical Data Centre

In this paper we will present the vocabularies used in building the Norwegian Historical Population Register. Our experiences, pitfalls, lessons learned and the advantages that comes from a standardized way of processing multiple data sources into a unified register that stimulates comparative research across national borders. The main building blocks in the Norwegian Population Register (HPR) are population censuses and church books. As partners in the North Atlantic Population Project (NAPP) since the 90s we have been involved in the implementation of the international standards such as Historical International Classification of Occupations (HISCO) and IPUMS, primarily adapted on population censuses. One of our main focuses is now to apply these vocabularies to the church books. In addition, we are also working on translating the causes of death records according to the Historical International Classification of Diseases (ICD10h). To make the data interoperable across databases, we have decided to adhere to the international standard, IDS.

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 Presented in Session 149. Vocabularies. Exploring Shared Names for Default Variables across Databases II